Lo Studio Pagliula Associato Ingegneri e Architetti – SP&A è stato fondato nel 2017 dalle socie e sorelle Ing. Serena Pagliula e Arch. Alessandra Pagliula con lo scopo di fornire servizi di ingegneria e architettura a clienti pubblici e privati.
The SP&A mainly operates in the sectors of sustainable architecture and energy efficiency, urban planning for energy and climate, renovation of historic buildings and interior design.
The inspiring principles of SP&A are innovation and sustainability, guided by professionalism and ethics.
SP&A carries out its works mainly in Italy and boasts activities and collaborations also in European contexts.
SP&A members are very careful to carry out professional training at research institutions and universities, in order to operate with cutting-edge tools and in line with always updated normative.
Serena Pagliula
Construction Engineer
In 2010 she obtained a Bachelor's Degree in Materials Engineering at the University of Salento, and in 2012 a Master Degree in Construction Engineering at the Polytechnic of Turin with a thesis developed at the KTH Institute in Stockholm (Sweden) on smart cities and planning urban energy. From 2012 to 2017 she worked for RINA Consulting, a multinational engineering consultancy company.
In 2017 she founded the Studio Pagliula Associato Ingegneri e Architetti.
Ha acquisito la certificazione EGE UNI CEI 11:339, è iscritta all’elenco dei Certificatori di sostenibilità ambientale Regione Puglia ed è abilitata al ruolo di Coordinatore per la sicurezza in fase di progettazione ed esecuzione ai sensi del D.Lgs. n.81/2008. Ha maturato esperienza in efficienza energetica in edilizia, energie rinnovabili, europrogettazione e pianificazione energetica urbana tramite processi partecipativi. A Luglio 2024 riceve il titolo di Dottore di ricerca in Architettura e Culture del Progetto presso l’Università Alma Mater di Bologna con tesi dal titolo ‘Governance tools and integrated energy plans tackling energy poverty for cities in transition’.
ESPERTA IN GESTIONE DELL’ENERGIA (EGE) UNI-CEI 11339 Settori civile e industriale.
Alessandra Pagliula
In 2015 she obtained a Master's Degree in Architecture and Urban Planning at the “Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo” of the University of Brasilia (Brazil). In 2016 she obtained a Master's Degree in Architecture for Sustainable Design at the Polytechnic of Turin. From 2015 to 2017 she worked for engineering firms operating on a national scale, mainly dealing with urban planning and mobility.
In 2017 she founded the Studio Pagliula Associato Ingegneri e Architetti.
She has acquired the EGE UNI CEI 11:339 certification and she is qualified for the role of security coordinator in the design and execution phase pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 81/2008. She has gained experience in architectural planning and interior design, renovation of historic buildings, energy efficiency of public and private buildings and heritage buildings.
Stefano Paglialunga
Ingnegnere Civile ed Impiantista
Sara Russo
Ingegnera Civile ed Ambientale
Silvia Negro
Ingegnera Civile ed Ambientale
Luca Colazzo
Ingegnere Civile